Hi morning all, i hope im not too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all mulims in this world. Apologize for all my mistakes along we are together and gether seating in this arena. Well againts i fell this year is very fast year, i just thought yesterday is January huhuh otherwise we are in october month right now.
Ok ok lets talk about the market.
Recently all stock, index escpecially in US europe and asia melt like ice cream,bancruptcy of Lehman Brother, 700b bailout, interest rate cut, inflation increase bla bla bla.. why this thing happen?, why dow's fall above 1000 point very fast, many of private sector will not be able to facing this recession. But for forex trader maybe this is a good time to get back what you lost in the market, GBPYEN fall more than 2000 pip just in 2 week, fuck really awesome, market like didnt know what is tired,just move and move.
So what point i talk about this, i just want to remember all forex trader in this world can play in any situation of market.Because forex cant crash,not like stock.. from 12800 point market can fall until 5000 point and fall again until crash.. maybe below 10 point, logic or not ? my answer is yes logic,stock can crash. But forex not.
Buy when market going up,Sell when market going down, 2 profit in 2 ways. Another thing forex or currency is a leading indicator to the country. You can get a imagine what happen is US, what going on in UK and JPN. eh where is china ? ehehe i ever read one book printed by Mcgraw hill's , the author said its not a joke if China will lead world economic using YUAN,no more dollars or green back.
In my forecasting, US will collapse but dont know when, maybe in nearest month or year. Their federal will facing 1001 problem, Infalation,NFP,CPI,MFI,PMI huhu, how to resolve back :) its not crazy if word war 3 occurs else.
1929 Wall Street ever collapse what US do ? war right hehe.. but i dont want to speculate anything because i also love life in peace.
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