Currencies Correlation
The following tables represent the correlation between the various parities of the foreign exchange market (forex).
The correlation coefficient highlights the similarity of the movements between two parities.
* If the correlation is high (above 80) and positive then the currencies move in the same way.
* If the correlation is high (above 80) and negative then the currencies move in the opposite way.
* If the correlation is low (below 60) then the currencies don't move in the same way.
The correlation index are calculated on the daily and hourly data. In other chapters of Mataf.net you will be able also to calculate the correlation of a pair compared to a basket of currencies and to study more precisely the correlation between two parities.
After i read all analyst,almost said GU bearish. Eu slightly bearish for medium term and Bullish for long term. What can i say here for this time EU and GU are not in the same way.as i mention Eu in wave C inside wave 2 (5) already hit 61.8 fibo line and hopefully price withstand above 3595 to endurance the actual trend.
Al yaqen's
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